Glassfish 2.1 includes some ANT tasks which is a wrapper to the asadmin command line tools. Using ANT tasks from Gradle is really simple - even those who aren't part of the main ANT distribution.
I started out with checking if the machine has an environment variable pointing to the glassfish install directory:
This will throw an error and the build script will fail if the environment variable GLASSFISH_HOME isn't set. If this succeeds I need to define the task by using ANT's taskdef from Gradle.
gfHome = System.getenv('GLASSFISH_HOME')"Glassfish home: " + gfHome)
if (gfHome == null || gfHome.length() <= 0)
msg = "No GLASSFISH_HOME in environment variable. Please set GLASSFISH_HOME to glassfish installation directory"
throw new RuntimeException(msg)
I use the lib directory of the Glassfish install directory and add all jar files to the classpath.
ant.taskdef(name: 'gfDeploy',
classname: '') {
classpath {
fileset(dir: gfHome + File.separator + 'lib') {
include(name: '*.jar')
In order to use the deploy task, I need a password file which contains the password for the admin user. I've added a file called dev.passfile in the project directory and it contains a singel line:
Then the only thing which is missing is calling the task:
As you see I can reference the war file with the
ant.gfdeploy(file: war.archivePath.path, name:, contextroot:,
upload: 'true', precompilejsp: 'false', asinstalldir: gfHome) {
server(host: 'mydevserver', port: '40048', user: 'admin', passwordfile: 'dev.passfile')
. This is a handy shortcut to reference the generated WAR file. Also used the
as the context root which avoids the version number in the URL.Since I need to define an undeploy tasks also I can use the power of Groovy and separate out the commen part as a method. For instance I need to check for
environment variable for each task I define so I put this in a separate method:This can then be called from every gradle tasks.
def getGlassfishHomeDir()
gfHome = System.getenv('GLASSFISH_HOME')"Glassfish home: " + gfHome)
if (gfHome == null || gfHome.length() <= 0)
msg = "No GLASSFISH_HOME in environment variable. Please set GLASSFISH_HOME to glassfish installation directory"
throw new RuntimeException(msg)
return gfHome
Smooth :-)
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