
Book review: More Eric Meyer on CSS

Want to make sexy tabbed navigation like apple.com have on their site ? Want to learn how to use CSS on concrete problems ? If so this might be the book for you.

Eric Meyer is an authority in the field of Cascading Style Sheet and have written several books on the subject: CSS Pocket Reference, CSS The definitive guide and Eric Meyer on CSS. You get the picture.

This book - as the previous - looks at ten projects with different challenges. Examples are: Converting existing page, styling photo collection, attractive tabs, CSS driven drop down menus. The book also includes color pictures of the web pages as they evolves. This is a big plus. Black&White doesn't give the same level of feedback about the elegance of the design.

It's a very good book and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who have learned the basic about CSS, but need help to achieve the really good result. If you have a concrete problem, look whether the first or this book addresses it. Without having read it, I guess that CSS Cookbook might compete with these books.

Got the book for half price on amazon.co.uk and it was worth it. On the minus side might be some lacking comments on best practices. A few comments on this is offered, but it definitely could have offered more advises on when to utilize different strategies. I also had problem following the rationale on some occasions. The solution was to trying to do the changes ourselves to see the problems that a particular CSS styling gave.

Looking forward to the new CSS features in IntelliJ IDEA next release. Maybe I must download Irida from Jetbrains Early Access Program....

So we end up on.....

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